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Track and Hold Circuits

Calibrate scope jitter using a transmission line loop: 09/20/2001 EDN - Design Ideas /   Digital-clock-period jitter is the variation in the period of a clock cycle compared with a nominal (average of many cycles) clock period. To accurately measure period jitter using an oscilloscope, you must subtract the oscilloscope jitter fro.

Circuit improves on temperature measurement: 05/02/2002  EDN - Design Ideas /   When current pulses with a stable IHIGH/ILOW ratio modulate a semiconductor junction, the ensuing voltage difference (for example, ?VBE for a bipolar transistor) is a linear function of the absolute (Kelvin) temperature, T. You can use this truism to make accurate temperature measurements. Technical literature has thoroughly covered the relationship (references 1 to 4) and has numerou....

NCO technique helps �C produce clean analog signals: 04/15/99 EDN-Design Ideas /  NCO technique helps C produce clean analog signals. C generates musical sounds. Continuity buzzer is frugal with power. Stereo jack adds no-cost power/logic control. S/H circuit minimizes aperture....

RF transmitter uses AMI encoding: 11/24/99 EDN-Design Ideas / Although alternate-mark-inversion (AMI) encoding is well-suited for direct-conversion FM transmission, designers often overlook the technique. AMI, a three-phase, synchronous-encoding technique, uses bipolar pulses to represent logic ones and no signal to..

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