Absolute value circuit delivers high bandwidth: 05/15/03
EDN-Design Ideas / Most absolute-value circuits have
limited bandwidth and high component count, and they require
several matched resistors. The circuit in Figure 1 uses three
fewer components than most absolute-value circuits require, and
only two of the resistors must have 1% tolerance to obtain 1%
accuracy. This circuit's output voltage is an accurate
representation of the absolute value of the input signal,.... |
Applications of the LM392 Comparator OpAmp IC: National
Semiconductor Application Notes,04-Nov-1995 |
Comparator Adds Current Limit to V2 Controller: 05/21/98 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Comparator Detects Failed Telecomm Supplies: 06/22/00 EDN-Design
Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find the one
of interest / Detects when telecomm power supplys48V output
drops below its nominal value, uses an isolated comparator to
monitor two48V telecomm supplies (of either polarity) / PDF
contains multiple circuits - scroll to find the one of interest
Comparator Improves Regulator's Efficiency: 04/28/94 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Comparator Provides Stable Hysteresis: 03/18/99 EDN-Design
Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find this
Comparator uses Signal Dependent Hysteresis: 03/26/98 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Comparators Form 3 to 5 Volt or 5 to 3 Volt Translator /
Tranceiver: 09/02/96 EDN-Design Ideas |
Comparing the High Speed Comparators: National Semiconductor
Application Notes,24-Jan-1999 |
Design an efficient reset circuit: 05/01/03 EDN-Design
Ideas / When you work with microprocessors, you must ensure that
when the power-supply voltage fluctuates to the minimum
permissible level, VL, that the processor's ALU continues to
operate normally. Also, when you switch on the power supply, the
ALU must operate normally when the supply voltage equals or
exceeds a certain high level, VH... |
Design low duty cycle timer circuits: 08/22/2002 EDN -
Design Ideas / Designing astable circuits using the
industry-standard 555 timer is a straightforward process when
duty cycles are 50% or greater. However, you must overcome the
many pitfalls of low-duty-cycle circuits to arrive at a desired
result. Using only ideal components eases the design, but the
components themselves are hard to obtain.. |
Dual comparator thermally protects lithium ion battery :
09/18/03 EDN-Design Ideas / Most manufacturers recommend that
you don't change lithium-ion batteries at temperatures lower
than 0�C or higher than 50�C. You can monitor both thresholds by
adding a thermistor and dual (window) comparator to a
lithium-ion battery charger (Figure 1). Set the low-temperature
trip point at 2.... |
Dual Comparator: forms temperature-compensated proximity
Detector |
Dual Comparators Stabilize Proximity Detector: 02/16/98 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Electronic fuse emulates fast or slow blow fuses: 11/09/00
EDN-Design Ideas / The electronic-fuse circuit in Figure 1
combines the properties of a current transducer and a
solid-state relay to disconnect low power at preset levels.
Using this circuit lets you avoid the bother of stocking and
replacing fusible links. The circu... |
Expanded scale indicator revisited: 08/08/2002 EDN - Design
Ideas / The visualization aid that a previous Design Idea
describes allows only the expansion of the upper end of the
scale (Reference 1). But what can you do if, according to your
project requirements, you need to expand the middle region of
the scale? Figure 1a illustrates the challenge. A voltmeter
comprises a 100-�A dc meter and a series resistor |
Fast Voltage Comparators With Low Input Current: National
Semiconductor Application Notes,28-Jun-1996 |
Filter allows comparison of noisy signals: 02/06/03 EDN-Design
Ideas / When you need to compare the dc level of a noisy signal
with a reference for further processing, the output of the
comparator changes in a chaotic way when the dc level approaches
that of the reference. You have a choice of two classic
solutions to this problem: One is to add hysteresis to the
comparator, but, if the noise level is high, the hysteresis must
be correspondingly high... |
Frequency Comparator Draws 8 �A: 03/03/97 EDN-Design Ideas |
Frequency comparator has status output: 12/26/2002 EDN -
Design Ideas / The original application for the circuit in
Figure 1 was to check the number of revolutions of an engine
with only one LED as an indicator. The measurement of the number
of revolutions usually involves sensors with a frequency output
proportional to the number of revolutions. The circuit compares
the frequency output of such a sensor with a lower and upper
limit and gives a visual result, usi..... |
Frequency Window Comparator has hysteresis: 11/07/96 EDN-Design
Ideas |
High speed peak detector uses ECL comparator: 09/26/2002
EDN - Design Ideas / Professional electronics designers often
use peak-detector circuit sin such applications as amplitude
measurement, automatic gain control, and data regeneration. You
can build a simple and fast peak detector from a serial diode
and a shunt capacitor, but it suffers from serious inaccuracy
that stems from the diode's forward-voltage drop.. |
Light Sensor With Hysteresis: |
LM139 / LM239 / LM339 a Quad of Independently Functioning
Comparators: National Semiconductor Application
Notes,24-Jan-1999 |
Low Voltage Alarm: NE555 Low Voltage Battery Disconnect
Circuit |
Microvolt Comparator: National Semiconductor Application
Notes,28-Jun-1996 |
Missing codes tester checks 16 bit ADC in 7 sec: 06/10/99
EDN-Design Ideas / As the resolution of ADCs increases from 12
to 16 bits and higher, the difficulty in testing the"no-
missing-codes"specification grows proportionately. To fully
guarantee no missing codes for a 16-bit ADC requires testing all
2 16-1 possible output...
Precision IC Comparator Runs From Plus 5 Volt Logic Supply:
National Semiconductor Application Notes,04-Nov-1995
Quad Comparator Regulates Temperature: 10/26/95 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Reset supervisor waits for stable supply: 04/17/03 EDN-Design
Ideas / The power-up cycle of the supply voltage in
embedded-system applications is sometimes not a clean event.
This fact holds especially true in battery-operated systems,
because the insertion of a battery often causes significant
ringing or glitching on the supply line (Figure 1). In products
with on-off switches, the contact bounce of the switch can cause
an unclean power-up.... |
Synchronized Window Comparator Eliminates Error: 05/11/95
EDN-Design Ideas |
Two buttons provide safe start: 07/06/00 EDN-Design Ideas /
The circuit in Figure 1 provides a safety interlock that checks
the actuation of two pushbuttons before enabling a relay. When
you push both buttons, the circuit actuates the relay. At that
point, you can release one of the switches without the relay'... |
Voltage Comparator Forms Pulse Demodulator: 11/19/98 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Voltage Comparator Switch: |