Circuit Converts Pulse Width to Voltage #2: 10/28/99 EDN-Design
Ideas / The circuit is optimized for a positive-going pulse
width of1 to2 msec, repeating at intervals of approximately17
msec. The output produces a voltage of0.95V for a1-msec pulse
to2.25V for a2-msec pulse.
Circuit converts pulse width to voltage: 10/25/2001 EDN -
Design Ideas / The circuit in Figure 1 converts pulse
information to a clean dc voltage by the end of a single
incoming pulse. In another technique, an RC filter can convert a
PWM signal to an averaged dc voltage, but this method is slow in
responding. Converting low-duty-cycle pulse information is
slower yet. .
Gyrator Circuit: The gyrator principle uses the effect that
the value of input capacitance at the base of a transitor is
effectively multiplied by the current gain of the transistor.