+9 Volt*and* 9 Volt From One Battery!: The MAX1044 is a
charge pump converter - it uses a capacitor as a "bucket" to
pump charge from one place to another. It can be used to
generate negative voltage easily. |
0.02% Volt / F Converter Consumes only 26 �A: 07/04/96 EDN-Design
Ideas |
10 kHz VFC uses Charge Pump Variation: 04/09/98 EDN-Design
Ideas |
12 Volt DC to 120 Volt AC Inverter: this inverter should
solve that problem. It takes12 VDC and steps it up to120 VAC.
The-Wattage depends on which transistors you use for Q1 and Q2,
as well as how "big" a transformer you use for T1. The inverter
can be constructed to supply anywhere from1 to1000 (1 KW)-Watts.
12 Volt to 9 Volt DC Converter: Car Converter for12 Volt to
9V |
2 Watt Switching Power Supply: from 6V to14V |
3.3 Volt Supply Taps Power From the12 Volt PCI Bus:
5 to 15 Volt Converter: |
5 Volt DC From RS232 Signals: The circuit of Figure1
produces a semi-regulated5-Volt output from an RS-232 port.
Unlike a PC-mouse supply or comparable that rely on the
modem-control signals DTR and RTS, this one operates with
a3-wire port GND, Rx, and TX, and obtains power only from the TX
line. The output current-about 8mA-is sufficient for CMOS
microcontrollers and other low-power . |
6 to 12 Volt Converter: This circuit can provide up to 800mA
of12V power from a 6 Volt supply. The circuit is simple, about
75% efficient and quite useful. |
Boost Converter Generates Three Analog Rails: Maxim
Application Note #2026 |
Buck Converter Chargers Also Provides System Power: 05/22/97
EDN Design Ideas / Switching Regulator provides the charge
voltage setpoint with Current regulation, and second Switching
Regulator provides5V System Power |
Buck converter handles battery backup system: 04/24/03 EDN-Design
Ideas / A synchronous buck converter is inherently
bidirectional. That is, it transfers energy from input to output
as a buck regulator when the output voltage is low, but, when
the output voltage is high, the converter acts as a boost
regulator, transferring power from output to input. This Design
Idea shows how to use this bidirectional energy transfer to
automatically recharge a battery when the mai..... |
Buck IC boosts battery voltage for white LED: 04/24/03 EDN-Design
Ideas / White-light LEDs are finding their way into many markets
that incandescent bulbs once served. Flashlights are among the
newer applications in which reliability, ruggedness, and ability
to control the power draw of the LEDs make these devices
attractive. With incandescent bulbs, the power management for
the device is a simple on-off switch....
Buck/Boost Charge Pump Regulator Powers White LEDs From a Wide
1.6 Volt to 5.5 Volt Input: Maxim Application Note #1021
C Volt Ranger: transforms a0-5-Volt input voltage to a
adjustable range between0-10-Volt |
Charge Pump and Step Up DC DC Converter Solutions for Powering
White LEDs in Series or Parallel Connections: Maxim
Application Note #1037 |
Charge Pump Circuit Divides By Two: 02/18/99 EDN-Design
Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find this
circuit |
Charge Pump Converts Volt in to� Volt OuT: 09/02/99 EDN-Design
Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find this
circuit |
Charge Pump Doubles Negative Voltage: Maxim Application Note
#782 |
Choosing the Right Power Supply IC for your Application:
Maxim Application Note #737 |
Cigarette Lighter 9 Volt Adapter: |
Circuit forms single pulse voltage multiplier : 09/18/03
EDN-Design Ideas / It is sometimes necessary for a
microcontroller to generate a pulse whose voltage is higher than
the power-supply voltage of the microcontroller. The circuit in
Figure 1 allows you to generate 14V pulses from a 5V power
supply. An adaptation of the circuit provides a 5 to 12V
programming pulse for programming the fuse bits in Atmel… |
Circuit performs high speed voltage to current, current to
current conversion: 07/25/2002 EDN - Design Ideas / The
circuit in Figure 1performs active voltage-to-current conversion
or acts as a variable-gain current mirror with high precision
and bandwidth. A typical application is testing high-speed ICs
or other devices that have inputs designed to be driven from
current-steering DACs to enable a modulated voltage source to
control the devices.. |
Compact, Inductorless Boost Circuit Regulates White LED Bias
Current: Maxim Application Note #1116 |
Controlling a Variable Voltage Power Supply Using the DS1809
(Pushbutton Control): Maxim Application Note #1035
CoolSET TDA16831: ..-34 for OFF-Line Switch Mode Power
Supplies |
DAC Powered Charge Pump Varies Negative Rail: Maxim
Application Note #203 |
DC to
DC Converter Allows of Single Battery: Have you ever wanted
to circuit to run off a single 9 Volt battery only to find you
needed levels like +12 and -12 Volts? The thought of multiple
batteries might have put you off. Why not use a simple DC to DC
converter? |
DC to DC Converter operates From Phone Line: 11/09/00 EDN
Design Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find
this circuit |
DC to DC Converter: will produce a 85-Volt voltage from +3V,
usable for low power applications |
DC/DC Conversion Without Inductors: Maxim Application Note
#725 |
Design Case Study: Designing a Power Supply for a Portable,
Wireless Contact Manager : Maxim Application Note #1014
Design Formulas Simplify Classic V/I Converter: 01/20/00 EDN-Design
Ideas / PDF contains multiple circuits - scroll to find this
circuit. |
Doubler/Inverter Charge Pumps Divide By Two: Maxim
Application Note #1876 |
DPP adds versatility to VFC: 11/14/2002 EDN - Design Ideas
/ The basic VFC (voltage-to-frequency converter) in Figure 1
comprises an integrator (IC1) and a Schmitt-trigger circuit
(IC2). The integrator converts the dc input voltage, VIN , to a
linear voltage ramp, and the Schmitt trigger sets the limits of
the integrator's output voltage. Feedback around both circuits
provides the condition for oscillation.. |
Driving LEDs in Battery Operated Applications: Controlling
Brightness Power Efficiently: Maxim Application Note #1804
Easy Xenon DC to DC Converters!: |
High Power Voltage Regulator Has Low Dropout Voltage: Maxim
Application Note #52 |
Inductorless Switching Regulator Boosts Input Voltage: Maxim
Application Note #5 |
Inductorless Voltage Converter Boosts a Single Lithium Cell:
Maxim Application Note #1791 |
Linear Voltage to Frequency Converter: |
Low Battery Monitor Delays System Shutdown: Maxim
Application Note #134 |
Low Noise Audio Power Supply Circuit: Maxim Application Note
#169 |
Low Side CurrentSensing Circuit Uses Synchronous VToF Converter
: 09/02/02 Electronic Design - Ideas for Design / A
voltage-to-frequency converter (VFC) can easily measure current
flow and convert it to a digital signal understood by the
timer/counter input of a microcomputer (�C) or microprocessor.
It's a straightforward task to add a single opto-isolator... |
Lower Operating Frequency Improves ICL7660 Voltage Conversion
Efficiency: Maxim Application Note #10 |
Miniature, Precision Negative Reference Requires
No Precision Resistors: Maxim Application Note #824
Negative Voltage Generator: takes in +12V and outputs around
-11V |
One 9 Volt Battery gives +18, +25, +33V: This circuit is
based on MAX1044 is a charge pump converter.
PIC Controlled DDS VFO, 0 to 6 MHz: |
Regulated Charge Pump Delivers 50mA: Maxim Application Note
#35 |
Regulated Step Up Converter Provides High Efficiency Without
Inductors: Maxim Application Note #44 |
Simple Circuit Provides +5 Volt Gate Bias From 48 Volt Input:
Maxim Application Note #1803 |
Simple Methods Reduce Input Ripple for All Charge Pumps:
Maxim Application Note #2027 |
Supplying Power Via the 1 Wire Bus: Maxim Application Note
#949 |
Switch Mode DC Supply: The switching power supply, shown in
the schematic, provides12 volts, at10 amps, maximum, using a
discrete transistor regulator with an op-amp functioning as a
comparator in the feedback circuit. The supply was constructed
in1984 and is variable frequency, as opposed to the pulse width
modulator (PWM) controllers used today. |
Switched capacitor IC and reference form elegant –48 to +10V
converter: 04/24/03 EDN-Design Ideas / A system designer
must almost always face a trade-off in choosing the right part
for an application. The trade-off usually involves performance,
price, and function. An example is the issue of powering
circuits from a telecom-voltage source. Telecom systems almost
exclusively use high-potential negative rails, such as 48V... |
Tiny Charge Pump Provides Highly Reliable Low Cost Solution to
Negative Reference Voltage: Maxim Application Note #348
Trading Performance for Cost in Portable Power Supplies:
Maxim Application Note #269 |
Triple Capacitive Voltage Inverter With the MAX871: Maxim
Application Note #1875 |
Tripler Converts 5 Volt to 15V: Maxim Application Note #297
Two Watt Switching Power Supply: from 6V to14V
Universal High Resistance Voltmeter: |
Universal Watchdog Fully Controls � Preset: 05/25/95 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Use a 555 timer as a switch mode power supply: 11/14/2002
EDN - Design Ideas / Most switch-mode power supplies rely on a
PWM (pulse-width-modulated) output that is controlled via
voltage feedback. A 555-timer IC can inexpensively perform PWM.
The circuit in Figure 1 shows how to turn a 555 PWM circuit into
an switch-mode power supply with only one simple equation. The
design uses two 555s |
VCO has Digitally Programmable Center Frequency: 04/25/96
EDN-Design Ideas |
VCO Transforms Sound Card Into Precision DCCoupled ADC :
08/19/02 Electronic Design - Ideas for Design /
Personal-computer sound cards are sometimes used for analog
audio signal acquisition. Also, the Web features many free
programs that implement virtual two-channel oscilloscopes by
acquiring signals through the sound card. However, sound cards
suffer... |
VCO uses programmable logic: 11/14/2002 EDN - Design Ideas
/ A VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator) is an analog circuit, so
you cannot find it in the libraries for the design of digital
programmable chips. When you need such a circuit for
synchronization or clock multiplication, you need to find a
circuit that works with the standard digital functions, such as
AND and NAND.. |
Versatile Monolithic Volt / Fs Can Compute As Well As Convert
With High Accuracy: National Semiconductor Application
Notes,04-Nov-1995 |
Volt / F Converter Draws Flea Power: 04/24/97 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Voltage Controls Sine Wave Frequency: 08/17/95 EDN-Design
Ideas |
Voltage Inverter #1: simple low power design based on555
Voltage Inverter IC Forms High Efficiency Rail Splitter:
Maxim Application Note #218 |
Voltage to current converter drives white LEDs: 06/27/2002
EDN - Design Ideas / You sometimes need to drive a white LED
from one 1.5V battery. Unfortunately, the forward voltage of a
white LED is 3 to 4V. So, you would need a dc/dc converter to
drive the LED from one battery. Using the simple circuit in
Figure 1, you can drive one white LED or two series-connected
green LEDs, using only a few components.. |
Voltage to current converter makes a flexible current reference
: 09/18/03 EDN-Design Ideas / The voltage-to-current
converter in Figure 1 can both source and sink current. The
circuit is more flexible than some traditional current
references that require different topologies for current
sourcing and sinking. Also, you can easily adjust the value of
the current reference by simply adjusting the circuit's input
voltage.... |
Voltage To Current Converter Works From Single Supply Rail:
02/17/03 Electronic Design - Ideas for Design /
Voltage-to-current converters feeding to grounded loads often
find their way into industrial measurements and control
applications. The conventional textbook circuit needs both
positive and negative-supply rails.